Shidler Elementary Runners Prepare for the Kids Marathon
Partnerships are an integral part of C4K's mission. We believe that helping other organizations and groups achieve their goals by providing shoes and equipment is a great example of working together for the better of our community! C4K is honored to partner again this year with the Oklahoma City Kids Marathon as they guide thousands of kids across the state in running a full marathon! Over the course of the spring semester, PE classes and run clubs will run 25 miles together. The program culminates on Race Day (April 26, 2020) - where the kids run the last 1.2 miles of their marathon as a group as their families and teachers cheering them on.
Last year we equipped roughly 175 runners from Santa Fe South Elementary School with brand new running shoes. In 2020, the 25th anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing and the 20th anniversary of the Memorial Marathon, we've been working with the team at Shidler Elementary School.
Earlier this month, 200 runners from Shidler were fitted for running shoes by the experts at Red Coyote Running & Fitness. We had a blast meeting the kids and watching them figure out the best fit! C4K would like to thank Mikayla Darden from the Kids Marathon (and the C4K YP Board) for her partnership and helping make this all possible! We'd also like to thank Red Coyote for taking time to help us fit these amazing athletes. Their expertise really made the experience special!
Later in March, we'll return to Shidler for a special distribution event and celebration! In the meantime, check out the photos below of the fitting event!